Category: For students
Call for Head Organisers for our Regional Sessions 2020
Dear EYPers, The last few years EYP Norway has organised regional sessions around the country and we wish to continue this tradition in 2020. A regional session is a great opportunity to introduce hundreds of young students to EYP and our values, whilst being a place for Norwegian EYPers to try out different roles at…
Summer Alumni Weekend
We are happy to announce the dates and the location for our annual summer alumni weekend. The event will take place from the 9th to the 11th of August in Bergen this year. It will include several modules on various subjects and have lots of bonding time. The Head Organiser is Daniel Røvik. You can…
SIU: Søk om å delta på årets store EYP Konferanse!
Senter for Internasjonalisering av Utdanning (SIU) har laget en flott reportasje om hva Europeisk Ungdomsparlament (EYP/EUP) er, og hvorfor du og din skole burde søke. Vår egen styrerepresentant og Lærer i EYP, Anne Grønlie forklarer og utdyper både hva EYP er, hvorfor man bør delta, og hvordan man søker om å delta. Men vær snar,…