In EYP Norway we have 5 Regional Boards who coordinates the day-to-day activity at a regional level in the organisation. If you want to get involve in EYP in Norway we encourage you to contact your closest Regional Board. The Regional Boards today are located in Eastern Norway (EYP Øst), Bergen, Trondheim, Rogaland and Agder.
All the local chapters are active, and they have regular activity such as meetings, One-day sessions, Regional Sessions, workshops and social events. There is a low threshold for participating, and everyone is welcome! All the Local chapters have their own statues, a board structure which is elected annually and a Facebook group where most of the communication is happening. We also have a sixth local chapter for our members who are living abroad.
For more information, please contact the different Regional Boards.
Facebook: EYPNAA Abroad
Starting a new regional chapter
If there’s no local chapter close to where you live, you can contact the closest one to where you live, or you can start your own local chapter. There has earlier been attempts at starting local chapters in Lillehammer and Tromsø, but these have dissapeared due to lack of members in the regions.
In EYP Norway we have active local branches in Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Rogaland and Kristiansand. These are run by Regional boards consisting of local EYPers, where the Regional Boards’ main responsibility is to arrange regular events and promote engagement within our organisation in that area. Most of the members of the local branches have previously been participants at our sessions, but it is not a criterion for joining the meetings in our local branches.
The main purposes of the local branches are to be a social arena for members of EYPNAA and a way for the members to share experiences as well as doing some academic work. Furthermore, the local branch is a resource for the regional sessions held in that area and work towards increasing the engagement and interest for our organisation.
The local branches can arrange events as they would like. However, if they are representing EYPNAA externally (ex. in contact with schools) they need to keep the national board of EYPNAA updated. If the local branch wishes to arrange an event like that, a request can be sent to the national board.
In the statutues of EYP Norway it says the following about the regional boards:
§7 (Lokallag)
Lokal- og fylkeslag kan dannes dersom alle de følgende momenter er oppfylt:
- minimum 2 medlemmer som er bosatt eller folkeregistrert i samme fylke eller mindre geografisk område ønsker det
- det ikke eksisterer et lokal- eller fylkeslag i område allerede, eller det eksisterende lokal- eller fylkeslaget samtykker
- det avholdes et stiftelsesmøte der det dannes egne vedtekter om valg og sammensetning av styret, og regler for oppløsning av lokallaget.
§7 (Local teams)
In order to establish a new local branch several conditions need to be filled
- At least two members of EYPNAA who live or are registered with an address in the same county (fylke) or smaller geographical area, needs to wish to establish a new local branch.
- There is not already an existing local branch in that area, or the already existing local branch agree to it.
- There is arranged an establishment meeting where statues regarding elections, the different positions on the board and the rules for dissolution of the local branch are decided upon.
Let the EYPNAA-board know if you’re interested in starting a Regional Board, and we’ll be more than happy to help you!