
This information is for teachers and parents of students who are considering or going to participate in EYP.

Are your students interested in participating in this years National Session? We send out invitations to all high schools (videregående skoler) in Norway on how to sign up.

Your role as a teacher

As a teacher at our national session you will be offered to take part in an alternative program while the students are participating at the session. We wish to spread knowledge of our organisation, where we believe you as teachers are great examples for the students and can carry forward knowledge and understanding of the importance of internationalised education. Therefore, during the national session we use this opportunity to share experiences among the teacher representatives present.

The European Youth Parliament is one of the most transformative non-formal educational projects your students can experience. Teachers regularly report favourably on the academic, political, social and emotional impacts participating has on their students’ educational and personal growth.

Teachers play a vital role in supporting their students before, during and after EYP sessions. For instance, if national selection processes take place in your country, students will participate in a nation-wide competition to be able to take part in International Sessions of the EYP. Besides organisational matters, this can include assisting students with topic choices, overall preparedness as well as coaching on public speaking, voice projection and personal presence.

EYP sessions both at national and international levels often include a tailored programme for teachers, which includes thematic workshops, networking amongst teachers and a sightseeing programme.